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New Workshop Unlocks Growth and Saves Your Time & Boosts Your Profits...
Even if the thought of handing over the reins freaks you out, or you're worried that AI sounds like a scary sci-fi movie...
Live Interactive Workshop
Sept. 22 at 2pm Eastern + Replay & Delegation Success Action Guide
Do you catch yourself micromanaging your team because you struggle to let go of control?

Do you have trouble trusting others to complete tasks to your standards of quality?

Does a fear of failure ever hold you back from empowering your team with more responsibilities?
This workshop is your ticket to freedom and efficiency.

Delegation challenges destroy your productivity and profits.

And worse if you DON'T do it well, now you've got to take back the work, and do it yourself. BUMMER!

And this is why I'm proud to invite you to my new live workshop "Harness AI To DELEGATE FASTER And Achieve Quality Results" happening on Sept 22 at 2pm Eastern/11am Pacific.

Special Early-Bird Savings: Now Just $69 $99

 I'm Deanna Maio and I've hired and managed over 1000 people in the last 15 years.

Some were employees. Some were contractors, freelancers and virtual assistants. Some interns and volunteers.

I've hired and managed them in-person, hybrid and 100% remote.

And I've done it in my local 'brick and mortar' businesses and my 100% online businesses.

And I've done it in private sector (aka for profit), nonprofit charitable organizations, and public sector.

Yep, I've done it all. 

Plus I've helped managers and leaders around the world for the last 18 years get great results from their teams and increase their profits.

Now I'm combining my delegation strategies with cutting-edge AI strategies to revolutionize the way you delegate for today's world.

This workshop isn't just theory; I'll teach you the exact tools, strategies, and insights you need to delegate effectively and efficiently to get more profits, more time back, and more fun in your business.

You can turn delegation into a powerful tool for achieving results and developing your team.

Whether you're a seasoned manager or just starting your leadership journey, this workshop offers a fresh perspective and practical solutions that can make a real difference in your success.

Don't miss out! Secure your seat and supercharge your delegation skills with AI! 

Harness AI To Delegate Faster And Achieve Quality Results

Here's what you learn with your ticket today:

Discover a little-known way to harness AI for boosting productivity and team growth!

You’ll find out how to delegate tasks effectively without micromanaging, giving you more time to focus or enjoy personal time!

Why traditional delegation methods will NEVER maximize your team's potential – and what you need to do instead!

5 surprisingly easy ways to use AI to enhance your delegation skills, making your team more responsive and adaptive!

Your ticket doesn't just grant you access to the live, interactive workshop—it's your key to unstoppable growth. Engage in real-time Q&A and receive personalized coaching from Deanna herself.

You'll also get lifetime access to the replay recording, ensuring you can revisit these game-changing strategies whenever you need a refresh. And to set you up for immediate success, we're including Deanna's exclusive Delegation Success Action Guide.

Don’t Take My Word For It:
See what some of my clients have to say!

 "Deanna, I want to thank you again for being such an inspiration to us.

At this point we have a whole new team that is totally on fire to be working with us and I owe it all to you and your coaching.

Yesterday we had our first team meeting with the entire team and the energy was off-the-charts amazing. I am having fun again and this is truly truly the best team I have ever built.

We are so blessed. I’m just so grateful for you and the help you’ve given us. Thank you, Thank you." 

Jenene Stafford

 “If Deanna recommends something – listen up, and DO IT! And don’t let the smile and effervescent personality fool you, she is sharp as a tack, witty as they come, with a level of professionalism that is only paralleled only by her integrity!

By implementing some of her tips, advice and guidance in just two weeks time – I have been able to help more clients more efficiently and effectively, make more money and feel more confident about the way I’m running my business!”

Liz Dederer
Business Lifestyle Coach 

 "In the month or so since I hired my two new team members, I have been able to do so much!

They’ve helped me catch up on uncompleted projects, get organized in many of my marketing processes and handle a lot of the tasks that, as a business owner, I shouldn’t be doing.

I needed, you Deanna as a sounding board for my many questions.  Working with you have been one of the best investments of time and money into my business that I’ve ever made!"

Linda Claire Puig

6-Figure Newsletters
Adventurous Life Int'l.

Meet Your Host:
Deanna Maio

Team Leadership Coach and Self-Proclaimed AI Geek/Enthusiast

There was a time when I'd be so excited about my new hire and then within weeks or days, I was frustrated and annoyed that they weren't delivering what I envisioned in my mind.

Plus, the time it took to even get things together to delegate as task caused me to wonder:

Do I spend hours preparing the delegation or just do it myself?

There had to be a better way.

That's when I started exploring how to delegate smartly and use it as a tool to empower my team and get better results.

Then I discovered the untapped potential of AI in August 2021.

(Yes more than a year before ChatGPT entered the scene in November 2022)

The results were game-changing.

My team became more efficient, and I reclaimed valuable time.

Delegating actually became FUN. (I know, geeky right?)  Inspired by this transformation, I created this workshop to share these groundbreaking strategies with you.

Now, you too can master the art of AI-powered delegation and unlock your team's full potential.


Is AI safe to use and ethical?
Our workshop covers responsible use, data security, and aligning AI with your values. Rest assured we've got your back.

What if I can't attend live? Will there be a replay?
Absolutely! A replay will be available. Attending live IS the best way to get real-time answers to your questions and benefit from instant feedback!

Is this workshop suitable for someone with no prior experience in AI or technology?
Yes, the workshop is designed for all levels and requires no tech background.

Can I apply the techniques learned in this workshop to a small business or startup?
Absolutely, the strategies are useful for teams of any size.

What tools or software will be introduced in the workshop, and are they user-friendly?
We'll introduce FREE easy-to-use AI tools for delegation. No tech experience needed.

How much time will I need to invest in implementing AI after the workshop?
You'll get quick-start strategies for immediate implementation. You can start the minute the workshop ends.

Will there be any hands-on exercises or real-life examples provided during the workshop?
Yes, the workshop includes practical exercises and real-world examples.

What is the duration of the workshop, and are there any prerequisites to attend?
The workshop lasts for 90 minutes and there are no prerequisites.

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